Nomex® Type 993 fi 15030
Nomex® Type 993 fi 15030 is a medium density material that has a balanced relationship between hardness and compressibility. In terms of many properties, Nomex® Type 993 fi 15030 is similar to Nomex® Type 410 fi 15000.
Nomex® Type 993 fi 15030 has a good ratio between hardness and compressibility and has very good impregnability. Furthermore Nomex® Type 993 fi 15030 has a good oil absorption. In terms of many properties, Nomex® Type 993 fi 15030 is similar to Nomex® Type 410 fi 15000 and can be used with almost all known paints, adhesives, transformer fluids such as oil as well as other electrical components.
Typical applications of Nomex® Type 993 fi 15030 include use as a 3d V-ring, angle ring or coil, and as a bridging material.
Other forms of supply:
In addition, we also supply moulded parts made of Nomex® Type 993 fi 15030 and stamped parts made of Nomex® Type 993 fi 15030. Further dimensions and delivery forms on request.